For SPI CGIL we redesigned and developed the visual identity and the website, completely renewing the ux/ui and at the same time looking for the most suitable technical and technological solutions to meet the new needs of the customer, such as coping with an increasing number of questions that the team of experts answers every day by email.

We have introduced artificial intelligence to answer most of the questions from citizens (it is still possible to contact the expert team by e-mail).

By submitting your queries via an interactive chat on the homepage of the site you will get immediate answers regarding pensions, tax, health care, social services, rights and even welfare and nutrition.

We have supported the experts of the Syndicate by transforming their work from 'producing answers for e-mail requests' to 'curators of the learning process of artificial intelligence'.

This learning process was carried out on an extensive database of information and regulations, which allows us to offer a service with a high level of accuracy - the knowledge base that the AI uses to answer is continuously updated by the site's editorial team and the team of experts, in accordance with the latest legal provisions.

In the event of a need for personalised assistance, the system will then direct users to their nearest union office for appropriate support.

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